Who We are....
Richard is an Emeritus Professor of Fine Arts and Humanities at Doane College, Crete, NB. He is a painter, author, and theater performer, and as Acting Director, he facilitates our group discussions on issues pertaining to arts, faith, and community.
Founder and Spiritual Director
Judith is the author of Going Home, I Sing America, and Living With What Remains. She also teaches poetry and creative writing, and has established a small press in the San Diego area. She will share with us the ongoing and growing Ad Lib vision.
Joanne searches for artists and writers who humbly and creatively serve their community through their craft. She writes poetry, devotionals, and articles ranging from youth ministry to gardening.
....and why we keep coming back
Ad Lib Advisory Board
"We need one another, you know? That's 'one-anothering' - - all of us 'by love serving one another' (Gal. 5:13). That's what I've found at Ad Lib, and so have lots of others, learning anew that we are 'members one of another'.
- Scott Souza; M. Div., Bible Student, Writer, Webmaster
Ad Lib Advisory Board
Ad Lib "is larger than satisfying a need to create. It is about giving voice to the word, the vision, that will not be quenched."
- Dr. Derrel Emmerson: Pastor, Author, Seminary Teacher, Poet
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by Judith Deem Dupree
- More of Judith's Articles
- More of Judith's Poetry

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