Who We are....
Richard is an Emeritus Professor of Fine Arts and Humanities at Doane College, Crete, NB. He is a painter, author, and theater performer, and as Acting Director, he facilitates our group discussions on issues pertaining to arts, faith, and community. |
Founder and Spiritual Director
Judith is the author of Going Home, I Sing America, and Living With What Remains. She also teaches poetry and creative writing, and has established a small press in the San Diego area. She will share with us the ongoing and growing Ad Lib vision. |
Joanne searches for artists and writers who humbly and creatively serve their community through their craft. She writes poetry, devotionals, and articles ranging from youth ministry to gardening. |
....and why we keep coming back
Ad Lib Advisory Board "We need one another, you know? That's 'one-anothering' - - all of us 'by love serving one another' (Gal. 5:13). That's what I've found at Ad Lib, and so have lots of others, learning anew that we are 'members one of another'. - Scott Souza; M. Div., Bible Student, Writer, Webmaster |
Ad Lib Advisory Board Ad Lib "is larger than satisfying a need to create. It is about giving voice to the word, the vision, that will not be quenched." - Dr. Derrel Emmerson: Pastor, Author, Seminary Teacher, Poet |