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Discover the Arts! Each day a different image from the Literary, Performing, or Visual Arts representing a portion of Scripture plus an explanation with links 2019 May 4
Ezekiel 40
Image 1: Reconstruction of the Temple of Jerusalem (c. 1460-1480) Master of the Echevinage de Rouen (Artist) - (fl. 1460-1480) in Histoire d'Outremer by William of Tyre (c. 1130 - 1186) French Late Gothic Style Bibliotheque Nationale de France, Paris, France Image Source: Wikimedia ~~~~~~~~~~
Image 2: Temple Size Comparisons (1432) Logos Bible Software Infographics Image Credit: Footprints of God Pilgrimages [ Illustration: Today's First Image shows one of several ways of depicting the Temple, which is the subject of today's chapter. The Second Image compares the sizes of the Tabernacle and the various Temples. ] SPECIAL NOTE: [ I will again be working through the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. I will be adding links, resources, images, and the like, upgrading the former work-through which began with the 2013-10-12 posting which can be found, along with the full Genesis to Revelation postings, in the Archive Page. Postings will be at midnight Eastern Time, as I am able. However, no chapters will be skipped, even though a posting may be late. And all postings will be housed in the Archive Page. ] Explanation: In Ezekiel 40, the LORD gives Ezekiel a vision of a Temple. Ezekiel watches while the Temple is measured and records the results. This Temple has been variously depicted, and interpretations vary concerning it. Some believe it is entirely symbolic, others that it is entirely literal, still others that it is some combination of literal and symbolic. As shown by subsequent chapters (40-48), particularly chapter 43, the central point is the return of the LORD (43:5) into the Temple to dwell with his people forever, (compare Zechariah 14:1-5 and Isaiah 63; Matthew 24 - 25; John 14:1-6; Acts 1:11; Revelation 1:7; Revelation 19 - 21; Revelation 22:7, 12, 20; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10; 1 Peter 1:7; 2 Peter 3). This reverses the previous departure of the LORD from the Temple (Ezekiel 10 and Ezekiel 11:22-25, compare Mark 16:19-20; Luke 24:50-52; Acts 1:6-12). The Man Who Measures. Chapter 40 opens with Ezekiel transported in a vision to a high mountain in Israel. On its southern slope was a building that looked like a city. At the gate of the city was a man whose appearance was like bronze (or copper, or brass). In his hand, he had a flax (or linen) cord and a measuring rod (about 12 feet long). The man told Ezekiel to report everything he was about to see to the house of Israel (1-4). The Wall and the Gates. Around the temple was a wall which the man measured. Also, starting at the east gate, he measured the gates and their chambers and noted various features (5-16). The Outer Court. He also measured the outer court and noted some of the features (17-19). He did the same at the outer court's north gate (20-23) and the south gate (24-27). The Inner Court. He measured the gates of the inner court and noted some of their features, starting with the south gate (28-31), proceeding to the east gate (32-34), and going to the north gate (35-37). The Tables for Sacrifices. He took note of some of the furnishings of the Temple, particularly the eight tables for sacrifices and their instruments (38-43). The Rooms for the Priests. He showed Ezekiel the two chambers used by the sons of Zadok who were the only Levites who could approach the LORD to minister before him (44-46). The Inner Court. He then measured the inner court and the porch with its pillars (47-49). [ Sermons: Dean Davis. Kim Riddlebarger. G I Williamson 1. G I Williamson 2. Various. ] Bible Chronologies -- Genesis to Revelation [Traditional Patriarchal Chronology. Judges Period Chronology 1. Judges Period Chronology 2. Kings of Judah and Israel #1. Kings of Judah and Israel #2]. [Intertestamental Period Chronology 1. Intertestamental Period Chronology 2. Intertestamental Period Chronology 3. Intertestamental Period Chronology 4. Intertestamental Period Chronology 5.] [New Testament Chronology 1. New Testament Chronology 2. New Testament Chronology 3. New Testament Chronology 4. New Testament Chronology 5.] RESOURCES PLEASE NOTE: Use the resources on this and other sites thoughtfully, particularly the commentaries and encyclopedias. I have attempted to list conservative, scholarly resources. However, some providers use liberal or liberal-influenced commentaries such as the Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges (in Bible Hub). Such commentaries are undoubtedly included by the provider for the wealth of useful information and comments which they provide. By consulting several commentaries, it should be fairly easy to sort out the wheat from the chaff. If, however, you would like personal assistance, write to me at AD LIB ARTS EMAIL. [ THEMATICALLY AND CHRONOLOGICALLY RELATED SCRIPTURES: Ezekiel 40: Ezekiel 33. Ezekiel 34. Ezekiel 35. Ezekiel 36. Ezekiel 37. Ezekiel 38. Ezekiel 39. Ezekiel 40. Ezekiel 41. Ezekiel 42. Ezekiel 43. Ezekiel 44. Ezekiel 45. Ezekiel 46. Ezekiel 47. Ezekiel 48. ] [1] Ezekiel 1:2; Ezekiel 12:21. [2] Isaiah 2:2; Micah 4:1; Ezekiel 17:22-23; Revelation 21:10. [3] Ezekiel 1:7; Ezekiel 1:27; Daniel 10:5-6; Revelation 1:15; Isaiah 28:17; Zechariah 2:1-2; Revelation 11:1; Revelation 21:15. [4] Ezekiel 2:7-8; Ezekiel 43:10-12; Ezekiel 44:5. [5] 2 Chronicles 3:3; Revelation 21:16; Ezekiel 43:1; Ezekiel 44:2-3. [6] Ezekiel 40:22; Ezekiel 40:26; Ezekiel 40:5; Ezekiel 40:7. [7] 1 Kings 14:28; 2 Chronicles 12:11. [8-9] Ezekiel 45:19. [10] Ezekiel 40:7. [11-14] Ezekiel 40:7, 11-12, 24-25; Exodus 27:9; 2 Chronicles 3:4. [15] Ezekiel 41:6-7, 17, 21, 25. [16] 1 Kings 6:4; 1 Kings 6:31; Ezekiel 41:3; 1 Kings 6:29; 1 Kings 6:32; 1 Kings 6:35. [17] 2 Chronicles 7:3; Esther 1:6; Jeremiah 35:4; Jeremiah 36:10; 1 Chronicles 9:26; Nehemiah 10:38-39. [18-21] Ezekiel 40:6-7, 10-16, 29-30, 36-37; Ezekiel 40:8, 10, 13, 15, 25, 29. [22] 1 Kings 6:29, 32, 35; 1 Kings 7:36; 2 Chronicles 3:5; Ezekiel 40:16, 31, 37; Revelation 7:9; Ezekiel 40:6, 26, 31, 34, 37, 49. [23] Exodus 27:9-18; Exodus 38:9-12; Ezekiel 40:19, 27-28, 44. [24] Ezekiel 40:6, 20, 35; Ezekiel 40:21, 28-29, 33, 35-36; Ezekiel 46:9. [25] Ezekiel 40:16, 22, 29; Ezekiel 40:21, 33. [26] Ezekiel 40:6, 22, 29; Ezekiel 40:16, 22. [27] Ezekiel 40:23, 32; Ezekiel 40:19, 23, 47. [28] Ezekiel 40:32, 35. [29] 1 Chronicles 28:11-12; Ezekiel 40:16, 22, 25; Ezekiel 40:7, 10, 12. [30] Ezekiel 40:21, 25, 29, 33, 36. [31] Ezekiel 40:37; Ezekiel 42:1; Ezekiel 42:3; Ezekiel 42:7; Ezekiel 42:14; Ezekiel 44:19; Ezekiel 46:20-21. [32] Ezekiel 40:28-31, 35. [33] Ezekiel 40:21, 25, 36. [34] Ezekiel 40:6, 22, 26, 31, 34, 37, 49. [35] Ezekiel 40:27, 32; Ezekiel 44:4; Ezekiel 47:2. [36] Ezekiel 40:21, 29, 36. [37] Ezekiel 40:31, 34. [38] 1 Kings 6:8; Ezekiel 40:12; Ezekiel 41:10-11; Ezekiel 46:2; Leviticus 1:11; Leviticus 6:25; Leviticus 7:2; Ezekiel 44:11. [39] Ezekiel 41:22; Ezekiel 44:16; Leviticus 1:3; 1 Corinthians 10:16-21. [40] Ezekiel 40:35. [41] Ezekiel 40:40; Ezekiel 40:42; 1 Chronicles 6:31-37; 1 Chronicles 9:33; 1 Chronicles 25; 2 Chronicles 5:12. [42-43] Leviticus 1:6, 8; Leviticus 8:20. [44] Ezekiel 40:23, 27; Ezekiel 40:7, 10, 29; 1 Chronicles 6:31-32; 1 Chronicles 16:41-43; 1 Chronicles 25:1. [45] Ezekiel 8:5; Leviticus 8:35; Numbers 3:27-28, 32, 38; Numbers 18:5; 1 Chronicles 6:49; 1 Chronicles 9:23; 2 Chronicles 13:11; Malachi 2:4-7; Leviticus 6:12-13. [46] Ezekiel 43:19; Ezekiel 44:15; Ezekiel 48:11; 1 Samuel 2:30-36; 1 Kings 2:26-27; 1 Samuel 22:17-19; Leviticus 10:3; Ephesians 2:13. [47] Ezekiel 40:19, 23, 27. [48] 1 Kings 6:3; 2 Chronicles 3:4; Ezekiel 41:5. [49] 1 Kings 7:15-22; Ezekiel 40:21, 34, 37; 2 Chronicles 3:17; Jeremiah 52:17-23; Revelation 3:12. -- From Treasury of Scripture Knowledge & Others ] [ CHRONOLOGY: GENERAL. Patriarchs (Traditional). Judges # 1. Judges # 2. Kings # 1. Kings # 2. Prophets # 1. Prophets # 2. NT # 1. NT # 2. NT # 3. ] [ MAPS: Maps # 1. Maps # 2. Maps # 3. Maps # 4. Maps # 5. ] [ COMMENTARIES, ETC: GENERAL: Bible Study Tools; Bible Hub: Study Light; Blue Letter Bible // PSALMS: Monergism: Precept Austin: The Treasury of David; John Gill; John Calvin - Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] [ MUSIC: GENERAL: The Cyber Hymnal // PSALMS: Genevan Psalter (Instrumental). PROVERBS: Book of Proverbs. ECCLESIASTES: Book of Ecclesiastes Dramatized. SONG OF SOLOMON: Song of Solomon Dramatized. ISAIAH: Isaiah Dramatized. JEREMIAH: Jeremiah Dramatized. LAMENTATIONS: Lamentations Dramatized. EZEKIEL: Ezekiel Dramatized. VARIOUS ARTISTS: Micha'el Ben David. Sons of Korah. Fernando Ortega. Janet Isaac Morrison. Music of the Bible Revealed - Suzanne Haik-Vantoura. Dr. David Erb. Gregorian Chants. ] HARMONY OF THE LAW GOSPEL HARMONIES Gospel Harmony - Summary | The Harmony of the Gospels - Augustine | Gospel Harmony Chart - Online Bible Greek Harmony of the Gospels - Robertson - (Downloadable PDF) | Gospel Harmony in English - Robertson - (Downloadable PDF) HEBREW AND GREEK INTERLINEAR BIBLES Ezekiel Detailed Outline Ezekiel 40 Map 1: Bible Nations | Map 2: Empire of David and Solomon Map 3: Kingdoms of Judah and Israel | Post Exile Chronology. 3. After the Siege of Jerusalem (Ezekiel 33:1 - Ezekiel 48:35) - 586-570 B.C. Babylon D. The Return Motif (37:1 - 48:35) 3). Renewal: The New Temple and the New Land (40:1 - 48:35) a). The New Temple (40:1 - 44:31) 1 In the five and twentieth year of our captiviy, in the beginning of the year, in the tenth day of the month, in the fourteenth year after that the city was smitten, in the selfsame day [that bone of the day] the hand of the LORD was upon me, and bought me thither. 2 In the visions of God bought he me into the land of Israel, and set me upon a very high mountain, by which was as the frame of a city on the south. 3 And he bought me thither, and, behold, there was a man, whose appearance was like the appearance of brass, with a line of flax in his hand, and a measuring reed; and he stood in the gate. 4 And the man said unto me, Son of man, behold with thine eyes, and hear with thine ears, and set thine heart upon all that I shall shew thee; for to the intent that I might shew them unto thee art thou bought hither: declare [this] all that thou seest to the house of Israel. 5 And behold a wall on the outside of the house round about [circling, circling], and in the man's hand a measuring reed of six cubits long by the cubit and an handbreadth: so he measured [this] the breadth of the building, one reed; and the height, one reed. 6 Then came he unto the gate which looketh toward the east, and went up the stairs thereof, and measured [this] the threshold of the gate, which was one reed broad; and the other threshold of the gate, which was one reed broad. 7 And every little chamber was one reed long, and one reed broad; and between the little chambers were five cubits; and the threshold of the gate by the porch of the gate within was one reed. 8 He measured also [this] the porch of the gate within, one reed. 9 Then measured he [this] the porch of the gate, eight cubits; and the posts thereof, two cubits; and the porch of the gate was inward. 10 And the little chambers of the gate eastward [by way of the east] were three on this side, and three on that side; they three were of one measure: and the posts had one measure on this side and on that side. 11 And he measured [this] the breadth of the entry of the gate, ten cubits; and the length of the gate, thirteen cubits. 12 The space also before the little chambers was one cubit on this side, and the space was one cubit on that side: and the little chambers were six cubits on this side, and six cubits on that side. 13 He measured then [this] the gate from the roof of one little chamber to the roof of another: the breadth was five and twenty cubits, door against door. 14 He made also [this] posts of threescore cubits, even unto the post of the court round about [circling, circling] the gate. 15 And from the face of the gate of the entrance unto the face of the porch of the inner gate were fifty cubits. 16 And there were narrow windows to the little chambers, and to their posts within the gate round about [circling, circling], and likewise to the arches: and windows were round about [circling, circling] inward: and upon each post were palm trees. 17 Then bought he me into the outward court, and, lo, there were chambers, and a pavement made for the court round about [circling, circling]: thirty chambers were upon the pavement. 18 And the pavement by the side of the gates over against the length of the gates was the lower pavement. 19 Then he measured the breadth from the forefront of the lower gate unto the forefront of the inner court without, an hundred cubits eastward and northward. 20 And the gate of the outward court that looked toward the north, he measured the length thereof, and the breadth thereof. 21 And the little chambers thereof were three on this side and three on that side; and the posts thereof and the arches thereof were after the measure of the first gate: the length thereof was fifty cubits, and the breadth five and twenty cubits. 22 And their windows, and their arches, and their palm trees, were after the measure of the gate that looketh toward the east; and they went up unto it by seven steps; and the arches thereof were before them. 23 And the gate of the inner court was over against the gate toward the north, and toward the east; and he measured from gate to gate an hundred cubits. 24 After that he bought me toward the south, and behold a gate toward the south: and he measured the posts thereof and the arches thereof according to these measures. 25 And there were windows in it and in the arches thereof round about [circling, circling], like those windows: the length was fifty cubits, and the breadth five and twenty cubits. 26 And there were seven steps to go up to it, and the arches thereof were before them: and it had palm trees, one on this side, and another on that side, upon the posts thereof. 27 And there was a gate in the inner court toward the south: and he measured from gate to gate toward the south an hundred cubits. 28 And he bought me to the inner court by the south gate: and he measured [this] the south gate according to these measures; 29 And the little chambers thereof, and the posts thereof, and the arches thereof, according to these measures: and there were windows in it and in the arches thereof round about [circling, circling]: it was fifty cubits long, and five and twenty cubits broad. 30 And the arches round about [circling, circling] were five and twenty cubits long, and five cubits broad. 31 And the arches thereof were toward the utter court; and palm trees were upon the posts thereof: and the going up to it had eight steps. 32 And he bought me into the inner court toward the east: and he measured [this] the gate according to these measures. 33 And the little chambers thereof, and the posts thereof, and the arches thereof, were according to these measures: and there were windows therein and in the arches thereof round about [circling, circling]: it was fifty cubits long, and five and twenty cubits broad. 34 And the arches thereof were toward the outward court; and palm trees were upon the posts thereof, on this side, and on that side: and the going up to it had eight steps. 35 And he bought me to the north gate, and measured it according to these measures; 36 The little chambers thereof, the posts thereof, and the arches thereof, and the windows to it round about [circling, circling]: the length was fifty cubits, and the breadth five and twenty cubits. 37 And the posts thereof were toward the utter court; and palm trees were upon the posts thereof, on this side, and on that side: and the going up to it had eight steps. 38 And the chambers and the entries thereof were by the posts of the gates, where they washed [this] the burnt offering. 39 And in the porch of the gate were two tables on this side, and two tables on that side, to slay thereon the burnt offering and the sin offering and the trespass offering. 40 And at the side without, as one goeth up to the entry of the north gate, were two tables; and on the other side, which was at the porch of the gate, were two tables. 41 Four tables were on this side, and four tables on that side, by the side of the gate; eight tables, whereupon they slew their sacrifices. 42 And the four tables were of hewn stone for the burnt offering, of a cubit and an half long, and a cubit and an half broad, and one cubit high: whereupon also they laid [this] the instruments wherewith they slew [this] the burnt offering and the sacrifice. 43 And within were hooks, an hand broad, fastened round about [circling, circling]: and upon the tables was the flesh of the offering. 44 And without the inner gate were the chambers of the singers in the inner court, which was at the side of the north gate; and their prospect was toward the south: one at the side of the east gate having the prospect toward the north. 45 And he said unto me, This chamber, whose prospect is toward the south, is for the priests, the keepers of the charge of the house. 46 And the chamber whose prospect is toward the north is for the priests, the keepers of the charge of the altar: these are the sons of Zadok among the sons of Levi, which come near to the LORD to minister unto him. 47 So he measured [this] the court, an hundred cubits long, and an hundred cubits broad, foursquare; and the altar that was before the house. 48 And he bought me to the porch of the house, and measured each post of the porch, five cubits on this side, and five cubits on that side: and the breadth of the gate was three cubits on this side, and three cubits on that side. 49 The length of the porch was twenty cubits, and the breadth eleven cubits; and he bought me by the steps whereby they went up to it: and there were pillars by the posts, one on this side, and another on that side.
Tomorrow's Picture: TBA
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