Daily Arts Web Nucleus
Discover the Arts! Each day a different image from the Literary, Performing, or Visual Arts representing a portion of Scripture plus an explanation with links
2017 July 16
The Concert (1626-1627)
Hendrick Terbrugghen (Hendrick Jansz ter Brugghen) - (1588-1629)
Baroque Style; Caravaggisti Movement / Utrecht Caravaggism
National Gallery, London, England, United Kingdom
Image Source: Web Gallery of Art
[ I will again be working through the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. I will be adding links, resources, images, and the like, upgrading the former work-through which began with the 2013-10-12 posting which can be found, along with the full Genesis to Revelation postings, in the Archive Page. Postings will be at midnight Eastern Time, as I am able. However, no chapters will be skipped, even though a posting may be late. And all postings will be housed in the Archive Page. ]
Explanation: Most of Deuteronomy 32 is a song which might be called the national anthem of Israel. This National Song will be remembered and sung even in the last days (Revelation 15:3). It set forth the contrast between the consistent goodness of God to Israel and their inconstant love toward him. The song was introduced in the previous chapter.
Adam Clarke, commenting on Deuteronomy 31:19, where this song is first mentioned, noted that "Things which were of great importance and of common concern were, among the ancients, put into verse, as this was found the best method of keeping them in remembrance, especially in those times when writing was little practiced. Even prose was sometimes sung. The history of Herodotus was divided into Nine books, and each inscribed with the name of one of the Nine Muses, because these books were anciently sung. Homer is reported to have sung his poems through different Greek cities. Aristotle observes that anciently the people sung their laws. And Cicero observes that it was a custom among the ancient Romans to sing the praises of their heroes at the public festivals. This was the case among the northern inhabitants of Europe, particularly in Ireland and Scotland; hence the Gaelic poetry of Ossian and others. See Dodd; and see the note on Exodus 15:1, where the subject is largely treated."
The song begins with a proclamation of the name of the LORD and his greatness (1-3).
He is a Rock, perfect, just, true, and without iniquity (4).
By contrast, Israel is corrupt -- a perverse and crooked generation. "Do you thus repay the LORD, O foolish people and unwise," asks the prophet? He made them and established them. He even set the boundaries of all the other nations in accord with the number of the children of Israel because they were his inheritance (5-9).
The LORD found Israel in the desert, led him, instructed him, and kept him as the apple (pupil, or light) of his eye. He bore them on eagle's wings; and there was no strange god with them. He set him on the high places of the earth and gave him honey out of the rock, giving him butter, milk, fat, wheat, and wine (10-14).
But they waxed fat and lightly esteemed God, sacrificing unto devils, forgetting the God who formed them (15-18).
The LORD abhorred them for this and said he would hide his face from them. In his jealousy he would provoke them to jealousy by a foolish nation (i.e., the Gentiles -- Romans 10:19; Romans 11:11), for his anger was kindled (19-22).
He would send mischief upon them -- hunger, heat, and bitter destruction -- with beasts and serpents -- with sword and terror upon young and old. But, to stop the bragging of the LORD's enemies, the LORD would refrain from utterly scattering them and causing them to be forgotten (23-27).
They were a nation which was devoid of counsel and without understanding (literally,"with nothing of understanding"). If they were wise and considered their end, their enemies could not chase them by the thousands using a mere handful of warriors. But their enemies prospered because Israel's Rock sold them and shut them up: 'For the rock of the heathen is not a deliverer like the Rock of Israel;' and their enemies were filled with poison and venom -- bringers of death (28-33).
But, says the LORD, powerful and dangerous though their enemies were, vengeance belongs to the LORD, and the foot of Israel's enemies would slide in due time. And when Israel is shut up and powerless, the LORD will ask them where are their gods, their rock in whom they trusted, who ate and drank of their sacrifices (34-38).
And then they will see that God is the only god -- able to kill and make alive, to wound and to heal, and no one can deliver anyone from his hand. And he will take vengeance on his enemies and devour them with judgment (39-42).
So, "Rejoice," says the song, because the LORD will avenge his servants and be merciful to his land and to his people (43).
When the song had been sung, Moses said to Israel, "Set your hearts unto all the words which I testify among you this day;" and command your children to obey them because it will prolong your days in the promised Land (44-47).
So, having sung this song and having said these words, Moses received a commandment from the LORD to go to the mountain where he would die for his trespasses, where he would see the Promised Land but would not enter (48-52).
[ Sermons: Albert Mohler. Various. ]
[ Illustration: Today's painting depicts music, the medium which the LORD used to speak to the hearts of the nation of Israel. ]
PLEASE NOTE: Use the resources on this and other sites thoughtfully, particularly the commentaries and encyclopedias. I have attempted to list conservative, scholarly resources. However, some providers use liberal or liberal-influenced commentaries such as the Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges (in Bible Hub). Such commentaries are undoubtedly included by the provider for the wealth of useful information and comments which they provide. By consulting several commentaries, it should be fairly easy to sort out the wheat from the chaff. If, however, you would like personal assistance, write to me at AD LIB ARTS EMAIL.
[4] Numbers 1:5-6; Numbers 1:10; Matthew 16:18.
[5] Numbers 32:15; 1 Samuel 23:10; Hosea 1:9; Psalm 18:26.
[6] Genesis 4:1; Proverbs 8:22.
[8-9] Deuteronomy 21:6; Genesis 10 - 11; Deuteronomy 2.
[10] Genesis 16:7; Hosea 12:4; Genesis 28:16; Luke 15.
[11] Job 39:27-30; Luke 13:34; Genesis 1:2.
[15] Deuteronomy 33:5; Deuteronomy 33:26; Isaiah 44:2; 1 Samuel 2:29.
[17] 1 Corinthians 11:20; Isaiah 44:15.
[18] Psalm 90:2.
[19] Jeremiah 14:21.
[20] Deuteronomy 5:5.
[21] Romans 10; Isaiah 65:1; Isaiah 23:13.
[22] Jeremiah 15:14; Jeremiah 17:4; Psalm 125:2.
[23] Ezekiel 5:16.
[24-25] Jeremiah 14:18.
[26-27] Numbers 14:13-16.
[28] Jeremiah 18:18.
[30] Deuteronomy 28:25; Leviticus 26:8; Leviticus 26:17; Leviticus 26:36; Deuteronomy 2:14; Deuteronomy 3:8; Deuteronomy 4:2; Deuteronomy 10:7; 1 Samuel 12:9; Psalm 78:62.
[31] Exodus 21:22; Job 31:11.
[32] Hosea 10:1; Isaiah 5:2; Isaiah 5:7.
[35] Hebrews 10:30; Romans 12:19.
[36] Ezekiel 5:13; Isaiah 1:24; 1 Kings 14:10; 1 Kings 21:21; 2 Kings 9:8; Deuteronomy 14:26.
[37-38] Judges 10:14.
[39] 1 Samuel 2:6; Isaiah 43:13.
[40-41] Revelation 10:5.
[42] Isaiah 66:16; Ezekiel 9:6.
[43] Romans 11:12; Romans 11:15; Romans 15:10; Hebrews 1:7.
[44] Numbers 13:8; Numbers 13:16; Genesis 32:28; Genesis 35:10.
[46] Ezekiel 40:4.
[49] Numbers 27:12. -- From Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers ]
[ CHRONOLOGY: GENERAL. Patriarchs (Traditional). Judges # 1. Judges # 2. Kings # 1. Kings # 2. Prophets # 1. Prophets # 2. NT # 1. NT # 2. NT # 3. ]
[ MAPS: Maps # 1. Maps # 2. Maps # 3. Maps # 4. Maps # 5. ]
[ COMMENTARIES, ETC: GENERAL: Bible Study Tools; Bible Hub: Study Light; Blue Letter Bible // PSALMS: Monergism: Precept Austin: The Treasury of David; John Gill; John Calvin - Volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[ MUSIC: GENERAL: The Cyber Hymnal // PSALMS: Genevan Psalter (Instrumental). VARIOUS ARTISTS: Micha'el Ben David. Sons of Korah. Fernando Ortega. Janet Isaac Morrison. Music of the Bible Revealed - Suzanne Haik-Vantoura. Dr. David Erb. Gregorian Chants. ]
Pentateuch Detailed Outline:
Genesis Detailed Outline:
Exodus Detailed Outline:
Leviticus Detailed Outline
Old Testament Offerings Chart
Numbers Detailed Outline
Deuteronomy Detailed Outline
Deuteronomy 32
{Pentateuch Outline: 14. Generations of Aaron & Moses (Nu 3:1 - Dt 34:12) 1445 - 1406 B.C. Sinai}
Moses Renews the Covenant: (Moses' Last Days) (Dt 1:1 - Dt 34:12) 1406 B.C. Transjordan
(Note 1: "Transjordan" = the East Side of Jordan)
(Note 2: Deuteronomy bears a striking resemblance to treaties found in Hittite, Syrian, and Mesopotamian cultures. These date
from the 17th to the 13th centuries B.C. and are generally unilateral treaties given by a great king to a vassal state.
With some variations, they have a basic 6 part structure: Preamble, Prologue, Stipulations, Preservation and
Proclamation of the Covenant, Witnesses, and Sanctions. Deuteronomy has additional material, and the order varies.
Treaty headings are in bold, below.)
(Note 3: The first 4 books of the Pentateuch could be considered its Historical Prologue. Material from those books is referred
to by quotation or allusion frequently in Deuteronomy. These 4 are a sweeping, extended Prologue; and the shorter Prologue
in Deuteronomy concentrates on Israel's more immediate history, especially their victories; and it draws out the
implications of these, especially assurance. The Preamble, if any, in these 1st 4 books is in Ge 1:1, since it clearly
implies that God, as creator of everything, has the right to establish and maintain the relationships of blessing and
judgment found throughout the Pentateuch, and indeed in the whole of Scripture. The reason, purpose, and meaning of the
Pentateuch are, therefore, implicit in the words "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.")
1. Moses' Farewell Address: (Dt 1:1 - Dt 33:29) 1406 B.C. Transjordan
a. Address: Part 1 - History - Covenant Preamble & Prologue (Dt 1:1 - Dt 4:49) 1406 B.C. Transjordan
(Note: 1:1-5 may be a later explanatory addition - cf., v. 5)
b. Address: Part 2 - Law - Covenant Provisions (Dt 4:44 - Dt 30:20) 1406 B.C. Transjordan
1. Stipulations (Laws) (Dt 4:44 - Dt 27:8 ) - 1406 B.C. Transjordan
(Note: Moses begins this section by exhorting Israel to "hear," "learn," and "obey." These and similar exhortations
are repeated throughout Deuteronomy, but are especially prominent in chapters 5-27. Examples include Dt 1:18;
4:1-2,5-6,9-10,14-15; 5:1,28-33; 6:1-9,16-18; 7:11; 8:1,11; 10:12-13; 11:8,22-23,32; 12:1,28,32; 13:4,18;
18:15-20; 19:9; 26:16; 27:1,10; 28:1,14-15; 29:1,12,29; 30:1-3,6,15-16,19-20; 31:12-13; 33:4,10. The people
respond positively, saying "we will" hear and do - 5:27; it "shall be" our righteousness to do all - 6:25;
and they "avouched" or "vowed" to keep YHWH's ways - 26:17. In response, YHWH ratified the covenant by
accepting them as his people - 26:18-19.)
a. The Ten Commandments (covenant of their God, at Horeb - 5:2) (Dt 4:44 - Dt 13:18 ) - 1406 B.C. Transjordan
(Note: This section and the next, "The Civil Laws," emphasize the mutual "ownership" between YHWH and Israel. Here
YHWH is called Israel's God - "Your God," - a phrase used repeatedly throughout the section to indicate that
YHWH "belongs" to them in a special sense. In the next section the emphasis shifts, and Israel is repeatedly
called not just the "people" of YHWH, but the "children of YHWH," emphasizing that Israel belongs to YHWH in
a special sense. Both of these designations are used throughout the respective sections to motivate Israel
to obedience.)
b. The Civil Laws (for the children of YHWH) (Dt 14:1 - Dt 27:8) - 1406 B.C. Transjordan
2. Sanctions (Curses and Blessings) (Dt 27:9 - Dt 30:20) - 1406 B.C. Transjordan
c. Address: Part 3 - Prophecy: Covenant Prophecies (Dt 31:1 - Dt 33:29) 1406 B.C. Transjordan
1 Give ear, O ye heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O earth, the words of my mouth.
2 My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain upon the tender herb, and as the showers upon the grass:
3 Because I will publish the name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness unto our God.
4 He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of and without iniquity, just and right is he.
5 They have corrupted themselves, their spot is not the spot of his children: they are a perverse and crooked generation.
6 Do ye thus requite the LORD, O foolish people and unwise [not wise]? is not he thy father that hath bought thee? hath he not made thee, and established thee?
7 Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations [generation and generation]: ask thy father, and he will shew thee; thy elders, and they will tell thee.
8 When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance [gave allotments to nations], when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.
9 For the LORD'S portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.
10 He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eye.
11 As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings:
12 So the LORD alone did lead him, and there was no strange god with him.
13 He made him ride on the high places of the earth, that he might eat the increase of the fields; and he made him to suck honey out of the rock, and oil out of the flinty rock;
14 Butter of kine, and milk of sheep, with fat of lambs, and rams of the breed of Bashan, and goats, with the fat of kidneys of wheat; and thou didst drink the pure blood of the grape.
15 But Jeshurun waxed fat, and kicked: thou art waxen fat, thou art grown thick, thou art covered with fatness; then he forsook God which made him, and lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation.
16 They provoked him to jealousy with strange gods, with abominations provoked they him to anger.
17 They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not, to new gods that came newly up [from near], whom your fathers feared not.
18 Of the Rock that begat thee thou art unmindful, and hast forgotten God that formed thee.
19 And when the LORD saw it, he abhorred them, because of the provoking of his sons, and of his daughters.
20 And he said, I will hide my face from them, I will see what their end shall be: for they are a very froward generation, children in whom is no faith.
21 They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God; they have provoked me to anger with their vanities: and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation.
22 For a fire is kindled in mine anger, and shall burn unto the lowest hell, and shall consume the earth with her increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains.
23 I will heap mischiefs upon them; I will spend mine arrows upon them.
24 They shall be burnt with hunger, and devoured with burning heat, and with bitter destruction: I will also send the teeth of beasts upon them, with the poison of serpents of the dust.
25 The sword without [from outside], and terror within [and from chambers], shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also with the man of gray hairs.
26 I said, I would scatter them into corners, I would make the remembrance of them to cease from among men:
27 Were it not that I feared the wrath of the enemy, lest their adversaries should behave themselves strangely, and lest they should say, Our hand is high, and the LORD hath not done all this.
28 For they are a nation void of counsel, neither is there any understnding in them.
29 O that they were wise, that they understood this, that they would consider their latter end!
30 How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, except their Rock had sold them, and the LORD had shut them up?
31 For their rock is not as our Rock, even our enemies themselves being judges.
32 For their vine is of the vine of Sodom, and of the fields of Gomorrah: their grapes are grapes of gall, their clusters are bitter:
33 Their wine is the poison of dragons, and the cruel venom of asps.
34 Is not this laid up in store with me, and sealed up among my treasures?
35 To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.
36 For the LORD shall judge his people, and repent himself for his servants, when he seeth that their power is gone, and there is none shut up, or left.
37 And say, Where are their gods, their rock in whom they trusted,
38 Which did eat the fat of their sacrifices, and drank the wine of their drink offerings? let them rise up and help you, and be your protection.
39 See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand.
40 For I lift up my hand to heaven, and say, I live for ever.
41 If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me.
42 I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh; and that with the blood of the slain and of the captives, from the beginning of revenges upon the enemy.
43 Rejoice, O ye nations, with his people: for he will avenge the blood of his servants, and will render vengeance to his adversaries, and will be merciful unto his land, and to his people.
44 And Moses came and spake all the words of this song in the ears of the people, he, and Hoshea the son of Nun.
45 And Moses made an end of speaking all these words to all Israel:
46 And he said unto them, Set your hearts unto all the words which I testify among you this day, which ye shall command your children to observe to do, all the words of this law.
47 For it is not a vain thing for you; because it is your life: and through this thing ye shall prolong your days in the land, whither ye go over Jordan to possess it.
48 And the LORD spake unto Moses that selfsame day, saying,
49 Get thee up into this mountain Abarim, unto mount Nebo, which is in the land of Moab, that is over against Jericho; and behold the land of Canaan, which I give unto the children of Israel for a possession:
50 And die in the mount whither thou goest up, and be gathered unto thy people; as Aaron thy brother died in mount Hor, and was gathered unto his people:
51 Because ye trespassed against me among the children of Israel at the waters of Meribah-Kadesh, in the wilderness of Zin; because ye sanctified me not in the midst of the children of Israel.
52 Yet thou shalt see the land before thee; but thou shalt not go thither unto the land which I give the children of Israel.
ADDITIONAL AD LIB MATERIAL: Prose, Poetry, Writers, Visual Artists, Music, DAWN, and ILLUMINATION. ILLUMINATION features a compact, Illuminated Bible. DAWN, the page you are presently visiting, features a new image and explanation daily.
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copyright 2017, Scott Souza